The Last Day at the Pig Stand

People at the diner were looking around, wondering if the place ever perfected itself. Wondering if this is what it would be like at the end of their own lives. With the shelves soon to clear – there’s the assessment of how things used to be, the rushed importance of meaning.

The way you tell me
how you found me—inside glass,
under lights, surrounded
by other babies, mostly dark like me—
I sometimes feel like a stuffed toy
inside a claw machine.
First Confession

I whisper apologies to trees, kiss gratitude into my bread, and press my palm onto stones as if looking to sync heartbeats.
Golden Shovel with Abbreviated Time

A head
cannot live without the body. But a head can isolate itself from its
body. No, not simple mathematics, but how do I explain the mechanics of my body
any other way?
El Centro del Inmigrante

The stench of God is everywhere, in the water, on the walls,
in the air.
The Cows of Tyon

Tyon, Texas is ninety minutes southwest of Austin. You take the highway for about half the trip, and the rest is through backroads and farm-to-markets. The roads are lined with cows, horses, and some goats, and at nighttime the only substantial source of light is the odd oil refinery a mile or so off the road. For this reason, it’s suggested that travelers either stay the night or plan to get into town early enough to enjoy all that it has to offer and leave before it gets dark.
Where to find Infrarrealista Review at AWP in Kansas City, MO

What’s In A Name?

Violence does indeed beget violence, but we are so good at erasing history, aren’t we? We are so good at pretending the truth isn’t staring at us behind glass or bars, so good at naming something violence when it is actually a direct response to pain.
Siéntate Conmigo” Give Me Support: Reflections on Hummingbirds (2023) an Essay-Teaser by Dee Lalo Garcia

Essay Teaser by Dee Lalo Garcia
First Sorrow Transcript