To Be a Woman (and not a girl) by June Paddison

To Be a Woman (and not a girl) by June Paddison

The award winning chapbook by the 2024 Hays County Youth Poet Laureate, June Paddison.


To Be a Woman (and not a girl) by June Paddison



June Paddison is our inaugural Hays County Youth Poet Laureate. Her poetry chapbook, To Be a Woman (and not a girl), explores the speaker’s journey through heartbreak, emotional intensity, childhood recollections, and growth.

“When I first selected this poet as the inaugural Youth Poet Laureate for Hays County, I said I chose her for “her complex poetry reeling with interesting images, honesty, and measured emotional texturing, and for her firm control of the form of her poems. I could not wait to read the next poem.” When I read this full collection of her work, I was mesmerized again by the depth of the poems and bravery in them, and this kind of experience with reading a book of poetry can only happen when the poet is skilled in traversing the emotional landscape of their subject, adhering to the rules of their own ars poetica, their own voice, their own control of the music in each line, and this is exactly what has happened in this collection.” –Natalia Treviño, judge of the 2023 HYPL Contest

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