Every time Alma sucked in air through
clenched teeth, she wondered if the streets of New York smelled like the trees she and her father slept under every night.
I will arrive in Laredo by stagecoach. & when I arrive, I’ll have to rent a horse because there’s no longer cars. Peak oil, come & gone.
Tyon, Texas is ninety minutes southwest of Austin. You take the highway for about half the trip, and the rest is through backroads and farm-to-markets. The roads are lined with cows, horses, and some goats, and at nighttime the only substantial source of light is the odd oil refinery a mile or so off the road. For this reason, it’s suggested that travelers either stay the night or plan to get into town early enough to enjoy all that it has to offer and leave before it gets dark.
Infrarrealista Review is a literary nonprofit dedicated to publishing Tejanx voices.