Mother’s ‘53 Plymouth
seemed like the Mayflower
in an ocean of caliche dust
& clay like rusty sand
Hulking across Texas roads
Two lanes to Laredo
South to the border
Down Mexico way
2,000 lbs. of solid gray steel
Steering wheel as big
as a tractor’s
Inside wide as a tank
Mother shifting gears at 5 a.m.
on black top highway
Gripping the chrome hoop
with all her might
Gritting her fist for a smooth
Ride with Burma Shave signs
dotting the 3-hour drive
marking cactus & cattle
to make good time
We knew we were close
when Mexican radio
stole the show
Todo en barata
Precios de ganga
Everything for sale
Price tags hung on air
Reverb raving DJs
Pitchmen sealing deals
Charming you al otro lado the other side
With dollar saving steals
Amá pouring café
Into a thermos cup
Brother & I peeling
Tacos wrapped in foil
We knew we were near
When the Border Town drive-in
Came through like the Rock of
Gibraltar out of a dense fog
& Mother sighed in gratitude
We’re here
Infrarrealista Review is a literary nonprofit dedicated to publishing Tejanx voices.