in a jean skirt on the highway

in a jean skirt on the highway

By: Mel Kristeen

today’s been mildly gut wrenching | on 71
a dull blue scooter is driven by a barefoot someone

in a jean skirt earnestly going 45 in a 60 | I bet
when she was small

her daddy called her pigheaded, indifferent
& maybe it was a sort of violence—

what it made of her, what he didn’t | it was Anne
who said the wind was cleansing

the bones & here we are—all three of us
with all this bone, in excess

of absurdity

Mel Kristeen
As a poet, writer, educator and owner of a small content writing business, every aspect of Mel’s work—both creative and professional—is steeped in a reverence for communication. They hold an MFA in poetry from Texas State University and was the 2019-2020 Poet in Resident at the Clark House in Smithville, Texas. They were the recipient of a Damsite Residency in New Mexico and has been published by Rust + Moth, Radar, Roanoke Review, Barren Magazine, Burning House Press, The Boiler, Black Bough Poetry, University of Hell Press, Passengers Journal (forthcoming), Hot Pink (forthcoming) and Luna Luna Magazine (forthcoming). They were also a commissioned, featured artist for Luminaria: San Antonio Arts Festival in 2017.
Featured Image By: Rodnae Productions

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