Not In My Jeans

A photo series of a sexual awareness campaign created by Victoria Serna
Having nothing to wear

Fiction by Karen Gaytan
Counting Oranges

Every time Alma sucked in air through
clenched teeth, she wondered if the streets of New York smelled like the trees she and her father slept under every night.
In The Near Future, After The Last Last War

I will arrive in Laredo by stagecoach. & when I arrive, I’ll have to rent a horse because there’s no longer cars. Peak oil, come & gone.
San Antonio: Nuclear Target City 1981, 502 Grant

At the primas slumber parties, we’d read Tiger Beat magazine and Linda would make up stories that involved meeting our magazine heartthrobs. We listened to 45’s on the record player and imagined being the Latino version of the Jackson 5 or the Osmond Brothers. Nandito and Boyer would plot and execute scaring us.