Protected: Upstream Swimming: Border Poetics, Politics & Aesthetics;

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Writing Yourself Into History as a Transmasculine Adoptee, Grownup Emo-Kid, “Career Texan:” An Interview with KB Brookins

KB Brookins is trying their hardest to be brave. The Black trans masculine poet and author of the collections How to Identify Yourself with a Wound and Freedom House just released their first memoir, Pretty.
DJing as Community Education: An Interview with Bonnie Ilza Cisneros

“To me, a Chicana hipster, is the opposite: like yes, bring on all the knowledge and art but then there is, for me, this intense urge to share it, not hoard it. To educate, share the wealth, because our people have been historically deprived of our knowledge, our language, our culture.â€
Poemas of the Solitary: an Entrevista with Jacinto Jesus Cardona

Chicano Teacher Glances Back in his New Poetry Collection
Texas 806, Anarchism, and Poetry: An interview with mónica teresa ortiz